24 chapters of the book Shemot, the Torah finally reaches a point where it
changes the mindset, concept and outlook of the people traveling in the
desert. In our Parasha the Torah introduces the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, which was the temporary ‘home’ of Hashem
in the desert, just like the Bet HaMikdash is the permanent home of Hashem in
the world today (Mount Moriah). The Mishkan had 15 different materials
attributed to it which each individual from Israel was commanded to donate a
portion to erect the structure.

tells Moshe to instruct the nation to make an ark of acacia wood and then to
overlay it with gold from inside and outside. The Hida explains that the act of
making an ark out of this wood and overlaying it with gold is similar to an
individual financing a Torah Scholar. Just like the individual is overlaying
the wood with gold, so to the individual financing is like the gold himself.
teaches us the great level of helping Torah Scholars and shows us that the
people supporting Torah are like the ones who are actually learning the Torah
Shabbat Shalom!
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