One of the key concepts of the Breslev movement (and honestly a concept that is undertaken via the Torah as well) is "Ma SheHaya Haya Achshav Nathil Me'Hathala" (whatever happened happened, now let's begin from the beginning, meaning let's just look to the future and focus on that). This concept is seen in the Halachot of Rosh Hodesh (the first of the month, which is considered a mini-holiday in the Jewish calendar).
Where do we see this? There is a specific (and known) Halacha that adds in a special prayer in Birkat HaMazon (the blessing said after eating a meal with bread) and during the Amida on the day/s of Rosh Hodesh. This blessing is called Ya'aleh VeYavo which is a blessing to wake up the hearts of Am Yisrael to pray for the coming of the Mashiah to bring us to Jerusalem and see the sight of the Erected Third Bet HaMikdash. This halacha is so important that when an individual accidentally forgets to add it during Amida (Shmoneh Esreh) they must return to do the entire Shmoneh Esreh again!
However, this only applies during the day of Rosh Hodesh. When it is the eve of Rosh Hodesh (eve), an individual who forgot to say Ya'aleh VeYavo they DO NOT return. Sometimes we live life as if we are surrounded by darkness. Nothing works out, we keep on failing spiritually, financially or in any way possible. Nothing is going the way we want it to and it is simple so easy to just stop and give up. Rav Nahman teaches, whatever happened happened, keep moving forward. Just keep on doing what you are doing and you will turn around 180 degrees to see Hashem with you every step of the way. The only condition: keep on moving and keep on pushing WITH HASHEM.
This is seen in the Halachot (Jewish laws) of Rosh Hodesh. At night time, we do not return to do Amida with Ya'aleh VeYavo: it is a time of darkness, a time that is difficult to SEE Hashem in every step of our life. It is a time of prayer and trust that Hashem will help. However, in the day time the Halacha states that we DO return to do Amida again. Why? Because we can come and say that it is daytime and during the day we see Hashem's help in everywhere we go. It is easy to continue, therefore even returning to do the entire Amida again is easy, because YOU KNOW and SEE that Hashem is in your favor.
The answer to find out whether we are with Hashem is through the darkness. Only then do we really find where we are standing spiritually and what we have to work on. Be'ezrat Hashem throughout this Hodesh of Adar, this Hodesh of success in spritiual, health, financial and all around terms we should see greatness!
Where do we see this? There is a specific (and known) Halacha that adds in a special prayer in Birkat HaMazon (the blessing said after eating a meal with bread) and during the Amida on the day/s of Rosh Hodesh. This blessing is called Ya'aleh VeYavo which is a blessing to wake up the hearts of Am Yisrael to pray for the coming of the Mashiah to bring us to Jerusalem and see the sight of the Erected Third Bet HaMikdash. This halacha is so important that when an individual accidentally forgets to add it during Amida (Shmoneh Esreh) they must return to do the entire Shmoneh Esreh again!

This is seen in the Halachot (Jewish laws) of Rosh Hodesh. At night time, we do not return to do Amida with Ya'aleh VeYavo: it is a time of darkness, a time that is difficult to SEE Hashem in every step of our life. It is a time of prayer and trust that Hashem will help. However, in the day time the Halacha states that we DO return to do Amida again. Why? Because we can come and say that it is daytime and during the day we see Hashem's help in everywhere we go. It is easy to continue, therefore even returning to do the entire Amida again is easy, because YOU KNOW and SEE that Hashem is in your favor.

Hodesh Tov and remember: Judaism=Think.
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