Just to notify the audience: our Parasha has 53 Mitzvot and
is packed with the viewpoint of the Torah and many key concepts in regards to
monetary and damage laws (that is very interesting and corresponds the
teachings of the Gemarot in Baba Kama, Baba Metziya and Baba Batra).
One Pasuk in our Parasha, Parashat Mishpatim, can be looked
at in another light besides for its simple understanding (peshat). The Pasuk (Shemot 22:5) reads “Ki Tetzeh Esh Umtza’ah Kotzim Ve’Ne’echal Gadish Oh HaKamah Oh HaSadeh
Shalem Yeshalem HaMeva’er Et HaBe’era.” This Pasuk talks about a fire
breaking out upon burning thorns and bushes and via the fire produce and a
field and piles of ripe vegetables were burnt. The Torah teaches that the
person who was the instigator of this fire will pay for the damages.
However, on another note one can learn this Pasuk another
way. The fire in this Pasuk can be described as the fire of the Yetzer Hara to cause us to develop a desire to sin. The
thorns can be the character defects
we have that we choose NOT to work on!
The produce/vegetables/field that gets burnt is like the Service of Hashem we are currently succeeding at. And the one
in charge for the damages is the Yetzer
Hara. One can see this Pasuk as saying: Don’t worry My Jewish People! Even
though you have character defects you are
choosing NOT to work on and the Yetzer Hara is using those traits to make
you even ‘burn’ all the good things you did accomplish, in the end the Yetzer
Hara will still get punished for it and will ‘pay’ for the damages he has done
to you! We can say that Hashem is hinting to us what is already written: that
in the times of Mashiah the Yetzer Hara will get slaughtered!

Be’ezrat Hashem with
the zechut (privilege) of Shabbat
(which is also mentioned in our Parasha) we will taste the everlasting love of
Hashem and the delicious spiritual high of Torah!
Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Shekalim!
Rosh Hodesh ADAR is
Motzei Shabbat so Hodesh Tov!
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