Saturday, January 26, 2013

CLD #800

With the milestone of reading 800 CLD’s we would think to post a detailed Devar Torah about mystifying gematriyot (numerical values) and beautiful links to different parts of Torah concepts. However, in reality we believe here at theCLD that the most important type of Judaism is the direct Judaism of Emunah (believing). The simple belief that we are different then the goyim and we behave on another platform then the entire world. The wisdom of this belief is not to say it, but to LIVE IT.

We actually say this principle of faith every single day in Tefillat Shaharit in a boasting manner, in a proud tone of voice! After the section of Ashrei following the amida we say the special prayer of 
Bet YaakovThis paragraph includes the clear understanding that we should do things differently then the entire world. What does the Tefillah state? Bet Yaakov: Lechu VeNelcha BeOr Hashem Ki Kol Ha’Amim Yelchu Ish BeShem Elohav Va’Anachnu Nelech BeShem Hashem Elohenu LeOlam Va’Ed! The Home of Yaakov: Go and let’s all go in the light of Hashem because all the [other] nations go individually in their own gods, and WE GO IN THE NAME OF HASHEM OUR G-D FOREVER!

What a powerful Tefillah! If only we were instructed to read this Tefillah every hour of everyday. The truth is this should be in our mindset before every Mitzvah we do, every Hessed opportunity we have, every time there is a Tzedaka box in front of us. What do we ask ourselves: how can I perfect my service of Hashem? How can I multiply and multiply my Olam Haba and all the treasure of the next world to come? How can I get closer to act like Hashem acts: to be the ultimate merciful human being, to be the ultimate loving father/husband/brother/child? How can I perfect my middot and so on.

We are different and we NEED TO BE PROUD OF IT! Eight Hundred CLD’s just means 800 ways of servicing Hashem. WE CAN GET OUT OF OUR INDIVIDUAL SUFFERINGS AND WE CAN READ A LEVEL OF SPIRITUAL DELIGHT IN EVERY SOCIETY AND SITUATION! May Hashem patent into our hearts His love and kindess and may we always be surrounded by people who aim to fulfill their spiritual potentials! 

We want to take this moment to thank Hashem who has given us strength to continue providing chizuk online and all the people who help along the way [including you readers]! Shavua Tov. May we have the merit to see the building of the Third Bet HaMikdash by the 900th CLD!!!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 


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