Monday, January 21, 2013

CLD #795

When professors and scholars want to rank an individual based on their genius and wisdom, they simply have an in-depth analysis on their work, published studies, experiments, novels, books, reports, etc. They look into their academic achievements and try to find out how much that work influenced people for the better. For example, if one takes a look into the achievements of the people who invented the automobile they can claim that they really helped society. How much more Mitzvot do people accomplish by driving?

Anyway, when we look at books that include the view of a Torah lifestyle, like Mesillat Yesharim, Orhot Tzadikkim, Sha'arei Teshuva, Moreh Nevuchim, etc., we can calculate more or less how much these books changed the world for the better. For example, when an individual reads Igerret Ramban about the intense evil that the characteristic trait of anger causes, they learn to become more calm and tempered people. How much does this help the world? And guess what: the Igerret Ramban is only a letter written from the great Ramban to his son! How much more so does the Ramban's commentary on the Tanach help the world? How about the Shulhan Aruch and the great Rammah, which mark up the full Jewish Code of Law and includes a ton of Mussar (academic rebuke) to help us live a life of serenity and appropriate Jewish behavior?!

And let us take this a step forward: how much does the Torah, the source and blueprint for this world help the people who inhabit it?! From this simple logic one can come to the greatness and thanks to Hashem, or just a tiny drop of what He is really deserving of. Hashem loves us, He loves the entire population and we need to ingrain this into our minds. How great is Hashem? Even if we take all the words in all the languages and combine them together it does not add up to what we need to say about G-d.

With this in mind, when an individual gives their life to learn and pass on the teachings of the Torah, they take from the greatness of Hashem and His work, they take from the greatness of Torah and become real behaved scholars. We owe so much to Hashem and He gives us life without even expecting  anything in return! How remarkable is the individual who reaches to be like Hashem?

Be'ezrat Hashem may we think about these logical points and let it affect our everyday lives for the best! 


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