Since we are in a time of Teshuva and appreciation of the kindness that Hashem does with us, it is applicable and relevant to speak about the Yetzer Hara of doing Teshuva. What does the Yetzer Hara do to us?
As explained in the Netivot Shalom pamphlet on Shovavim
(these six weeks regarding the six Torah portions of the exile from Egypt), the
Yetzer Hara greatens the desire to sin and does not stop to challenge the
individual’s confidence level. The Evil Inclination tells the Jewish soul to
impurify itself by sinking to low levels of impure and dirty acts. He tells us
like this: By you accomplishing your
desire you will succeed in living a life of service to Hashem because after the
desire will go away! Also the Yetzer Hara tells us: It’s not that big of a deal, its simply a small sin! Just do Teshuva
after and you’re all good bro!
The saddest part is that we all know the reality that the
sin is a serious matter that just brings us down to being upset and slacking in
our Avodat Hashem (service of G-d). The person who is wise is one who learns
from others, as it says in the words of Hazal
(our Sages): Eze Hu Hacham, HaLomed Mikol
Adam. What can we do to prevent ourselves from falling into the handcuffs
of the evil in the world? We can simply look at those who avoid to become knowledgeable
in regards to the acts of sin and who fail to be strong and stand up against
evil. Are their lives really filled with happiness and satisfaction? Are they
really successful of a spiritual level where they can say I believe that this is the best for me, even in the toughest of
times? Are they real Jews who follow the Shulhan
Aruch (The Jewish Code of Law) or do they make up their own Judaism?

Be’ezrat Hashem we should succeed in our Avodat Hashem to
realize our body is temporary and our Neshama
is forever. We are all Jewish! How happy should we be to be part of Hashem’s
nation representing Him in such a beautiful world?!
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