Yesterday’s CLD:
We are in the generation of the Mashiah (the Messiah). It is unbelievably scary to walk down any
public street and actually see the Gemara in the end of Masechet Sottah come
true (this part of the Gemara explains the attitude and behavior of the final
generation before the Mashiah). Some of these things include the nasty attitude
and lack of respect the youth has for older people, some of these things
include the rise of prices of basic necessities and some of these include the
mystery of truth in the world.
It is even more intense to realize how correct Hazal were (our Sages) in regards to
even the small things in Shas and how they are still true today. Rabi Tzadok
MeLublin Zichrono Yagen Alenu (may
his memory stand for our safety) that these 42 days of Shovavim represent the
42 days of the Arei Miklat, or the cities
that people who accidentally murdered others would run off to. Even though Rav
Yaakov Yisrael Lugasi brings down many other resemblances to these 42 days (six
weeks) of Shovavim, let us focus on the idea of the 42 Arei Miklat.
What is an Ir Miklat? This city was ordered by Hashem to
house the Levi’im (the Levi tribe which did not receive a plot of land in
Israel). These cities also were instructed to be runaway escape locations for
people who accidentally killed other Jews. For example, if someone was chopping
down wood in the forest in the winter and the branch killed someone by accident
as it was falling towards the ground, the “murderer” has the chance to run away
to the Ir Miklat to be safeguarded from the loved ones of the murdered.
From this we can say that the days of Shovavim act as a
safeguard for those who spilled their semen or did any other kedusha-related
sins that affected their purity and yesod (foundation). The days of Shovavim
are so powerful that they are like the days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom
Kippur! One needs to take advantage of these days to greaten their love for
Hashem and appreciation for Hashem that we have health, a warm and loving
family, the ability to learn Torah without any decrees, the ability to pray,
etc. We are so lucky! We just need to see the good in everything Hashem does
for us and there will be no need to run after these bodily desires! Be above the influence!
May we be successful
with Hashem’s help to live a pure and clean life of Torah and Mitzvot!
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