I know from my own personal experience that only until the
end of High School I heard of the famous
weeks of Shovavim that we are currently in. Therefore, with the lack of
knowledge in our world, we will look at the depth of Shovavim and what makes it
so special. First of all, it is known that the same week’s Torah reading,
meaning the portion that we read on Shabbat morning, brings a special spiritual
mood from the Heavens into the world. This special shefa of holiness and purity is exerted throughout the entire world
and influences everything we do.
These weeks are special because of the Torah reading that
occurs in between them. The word Shovavim is made up of six letters that are
taken from the six parts of the Torah that we read in these six weeks: Shemot-VaEra-Bo-Beshalah-Yitro-Mishpatim. These six letters spell out Shovavim. These six
Torah portions also describe the full exodus of Egypt. This means that from the
Parasha of Shemot, which is the beginning of the slavery in Egypt where the
Torah describes the horrible conditions that the Egyptians forced onto the
Jewish people (which was worse than the condition of the Holocaust), up until
Mishpatim we go through the process of slavery to freedom.

Be’ezrat Hashem may we be successful in our Avodat Hashem,
whether it be serving Hashem in the Bet Midrash, the Bet Kenesset (Shul), at
work, in our kitchen, on the subway, etc!
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