Yesterday's CLD:
Rav Amos shlit’a explained in a shiur yesterday that there
is a special aspect to darkness in Judaism and in our daily lives of struggling
with how much to bring Hashem into our personal lives. If one takes a deeper
look at the world there are certain times of life where it is difficult to stop
and take the existence of Hashem into mind and there are certain times where it
is extremely easy just to look up at the clouds and the sky and praise Hashem
for all the help He gives us.

So what does this come down to? We are in a place of Galut (diaspora), which is a state of
distancing from our home or being expelled from our place of birth and comfort.
When someone is expelled and away from home all they do is try to get back. It
is written in Devarim 4:29 that the entire reason for placing us in the Galut
was to WAKE US UP and FIND HASHEM with ALL our hearts and ALL our soul. Only when we put in the effort to follow Torah and Mitzvot it becomes almost automatic that an individual sees Hashem's hand in their life, but nobody can run up to Hashem and expect to become prophets!

Only when we are placed in the darkness can we then COMPARE
our lives to times in the light. Hashem knows what He is doing and with what’s
going on in the world, we have NO DOUBT that its for the entire world’s best
Shavua Tov!
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