In Netivot Shalom's volume on Shovavim, which the Six Week period of the six parshiyot in regards to kedusha (purity), the Admor MiSlonim breaks down a Mishnah from Avot and connects it to the fixing of sinning in regards to the middah of yesod (the foundation). This part of Judaism is usually uncomfortable to speak about due to the personal level that one must be on with the audience, however; we are all here in this world to learn from each other so why not delve into this topic?
The Admor MiSlonim brings down the Mishnah from Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) that explains the world and how its foundation is based on three things: the Torah, the service of G-d and deeds of kindness (1:2). He breaks it down as follows: how do someone do Teshuva in regards to pegam haberit (sins against the circumsicion covenant)? It is known that for the body only, the Jewish man must dip in a mikveh to rise up spiritually. Therefore the body begans purified and reaches a cleaner state of purity. However, going into a mikveh does NOT guarantee a spirtiual cleansing for the mind and the brain. For that we fall into the first category of doing Teshuva: learning Torah.
When a man learns Torah they simply emmerse their entire thought process in a sea of purity and this causes the brain, the home base of the neshama (soul) to re-enter its headquarters because when someone is sinning they shoo away their neshama from their bodies and enter a state of impurity. The second trait one should focus on is the service of Hashem after sinning. This trait means Tefillah becuase the Gemara teaches that someone serves Hashem by motivating their heart to turn to the ways of Hashem and that only can occur through tears during prayer.
The third and final trait one needs to delve into when repenting for these awful actions of desecrating their pure covenant with Hashem is by doing acts of kindness. It is known that the acts of sin occur with one's legs because the legs cause the individual to walk in the way against the Torah. Therefore, when an individual walks in the way fo the Torah, for example to walk for Mitzvot (such as collecting money for the poor or getting sponsored to run in a marathon, etc.), they really fix their sins and cause Hashem to poor mercy on them! Be'ezrat Hashem may we have a successful shovavim this year in every aspect of success.
Shavua Tov.
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