Tonight I had the zechut to actually be present at the Shiur
(Torah class) of the Tzadik Rav Ben Tzion Mutzafi shlit”a in Yerushalayim Ir
HaKodesh (specifically Shechenat
HaBucharim). Rav Mutzafi has his Torah classes recorded and ready to
download (for free) onto a computer near you from the kolhaloshon website.
Rav Mutzafi spoke about this week’s parasha, entering the
new book of the Torah: Parashat Shemot. Rav Mutzafi spoke about the power of hishtadloot (effort) that is revealed in
our Torah. Bat (the daughter of) Pharoah did something remarkable. Before going
into what she did and what happened, let’s look at her environment. Bat Pharaoh
was the daughter of the king of Mitzrayim, the king of Egypt. One needs to
understand that Egypt is called Mitzrayim
from the word in Hebrew Tzar (narrow)
and Tzara (suffering). Egypt was a
place where the spiritual suffering ruled, meaning there was no place for
Torah, no place for Hashem, no place for spirituality or delving into the
depths of what the world is all about. Everything was about running after the
physical bodily desires.

Now when looking at Bat Pharoah, we see the daughter of the
king of impurity, the daughter of false gods and desires, gold and silver. She
had everything. Our sacred Sages in the Holy Gemara teach that she was in the
waters of the nile river because she was dipping in a body of water to accept
upon herself a single G-d’s rule. Meaning she was converting to monotheism (it
was a time before the Torah was given). And after this huge Mitzvah, the
daughter of the king of falsge gods converts, a moment later she has the zechut
(privelige) to be publicized in the Torah as the individual who saves Moshe
Rabbenu from the deathly waters.

Be’ezrat Hashem may we do the maximum we need to do in our
life and Hashem will take care of the rest to guarantee our success in every
aspect of life.
Shabbat Shalom!
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