The power of the Tzadikkim (righteous) in our Torah HaKedosha is endless. They had so much power and strength that they could simply see the past, present and future impact of all the Jewish world. In a couple words in the Torah we see simple prophecy happening. The best thing is that it comes from actions that these Tzadikkim did, its not even from the words that they spoke (so how much more so when they actually said something specific)!
What happened? After Yosef HaTzadik revealed himself to his brothers, he saw Binyamin (his brother from the same mother) after 22 years. On the spot both Binyamin and Yosef began crying on each others necks. Rashi brings down the famous Gemara from Masechet Megillah 16b that says that Yosef's two actions of falling and weeping on Binyamin's neck symbolizes two actions of the destrcution of the Bet HaMikdash. Binyamin's single action of weeping on Yosef's neck symbolizes the single destruction of Mishkan Shiloh (the tabernacle). Binyamin's tribe received from Hashem the plot of land where the Bet HaMikdash was going to be built. Yosef's plot of land included the place where Mishkan Shiloh was going to be built. All three were destroyed and all three are prophesied about from actions that the Shevatim (tribes) did in the time of the Torah.
It is known that one of the reasons the Bet HaMikdash was destroyed is because of Sinat Hinam, brotherly hatred. We see from this past Shabbat's Parasha (Bereshit 45:14) that the brothers had so much love for each other and for Hashem that they even wept on the future destructions of the places where Hashem was present. We see from this that to have real Ahavat Hinam is to be sad and upset for the others loss and to be TRULY HAPPY for another brother's HAPPY MOMENTS!
The points of thought of the fast of Asarah b'Tevet, of the Tenth of Tevet, is to think about the other Jew. We need to start seeing another Jew as another child of Hashem, and not a Jew from City X or Country Y (speaking to myself as well). Be'ezrat Hashem we should be filled with Torah and Mitzvot to continue really loving all Jews from EVERYWHERE. Also simply to have the feeling of Hashem's loss of home. Hashem is homeless. Jerusalem is not built completely. Jerusalem is still missing its structure and foundation! We might have Israel, but we still do not have the real Geula (redemption)!
What happened? After Yosef HaTzadik revealed himself to his brothers, he saw Binyamin (his brother from the same mother) after 22 years. On the spot both Binyamin and Yosef began crying on each others necks. Rashi brings down the famous Gemara from Masechet Megillah 16b that says that Yosef's two actions of falling and weeping on Binyamin's neck symbolizes two actions of the destrcution of the Bet HaMikdash. Binyamin's single action of weeping on Yosef's neck symbolizes the single destruction of Mishkan Shiloh (the tabernacle). Binyamin's tribe received from Hashem the plot of land where the Bet HaMikdash was going to be built. Yosef's plot of land included the place where Mishkan Shiloh was going to be built. All three were destroyed and all three are prophesied about from actions that the Shevatim (tribes) did in the time of the Torah.
It is known that one of the reasons the Bet HaMikdash was destroyed is because of Sinat Hinam, brotherly hatred. We see from this past Shabbat's Parasha (Bereshit 45:14) that the brothers had so much love for each other and for Hashem that they even wept on the future destructions of the places where Hashem was present. We see from this that to have real Ahavat Hinam is to be sad and upset for the others loss and to be TRULY HAPPY for another brother's HAPPY MOMENTS!

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