Rav Ovadia Yosef shlit’a has a daily email of Divrei Torah.
I still saved an email from last year’s Sefirat
HaOmer (the 50 days after the 2nd day of Pesah) which is relevant
to our times. Hazal teach us that in the days of the Mashiah (with what is
going on in the world, in Israel, in our local communities and even in our
personal lives we must say its all related to the incredibly close time of the
Mashiah) the only Mitzvah that will stand for each and every individual is the
Mitzvah of Tzedakah (giving
Therefore, this Devar Torah in the name of Rav Ovadia is
perfect for our generation, the generation of Mashiah (Be’ezrat Hashem let’s
hope it’s really the time). It is written in Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the
Fathers) Perek Mishnah (3:8) “Rabbi
Elazar of Bartota would say ‘Give him what is his, for you, and whatever is
yours, are his.’ As David says “For everything comes from You, and from Your
own hand we give to You.” The simple meaning of the beginning of this
Mishnah (the Mishnah continues with more words of wisdom) is that everything in one’s pocket is from Hashem Yitbarach and
this is why the Tannah (Sage) says to give to Hashem from what is yours for
what is yours is really His. This is another direct teaching of giving Tzedakah
and its importance. This Mishnah is teaching us that a person that has been
blessed from Shamayim (the Heavens) with financial success is a messenger of
transferring money from Hashem’s bank account to poor peoples’ bank accounts.

There is a Halacha (Jewish law) from the Shulhan Aruch (Jewish Code of Law) that
teaches: if a father left in his well all his belongings and inheritance only
for one of his sons, we act as if the son who inherited all the belongings is
only but the holder of all the money and NOT the sole inheritor. We state that
the father’s intentions was to have all his sons inherit his belongings and
should be shared equally. From this we learn that when Hashem “passes over His
belongings” to an individual and provides him with cash money, this single
person is not considered the sole owner of this money and is obligated to
donate a portion to poor people to feed them and provide support for their

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