If one looks in the end of the Shaharit (morning) Prayer in their Siddur (prayer book), they will see the Mitzvah of the Eser Zichronot, The Ten Points we need to remember everyday. This Mitzvah is accomplished by simply remembering Ten things we need to remember everyday, some include the Exile of Egypt (Yetziyat Mitzrayim), The Day of Shabbat, What Hashem did to Miriam in the dessert, etc. However, the tenth and final thing to remember is that in the future Hashem will rebuild the Bet HaMikdash, making it the Third and Final Bet HaMikdash (and bring the Mashiah).
The question is WHY? The other Nine points to remember are crucial and logical: from Miriam we can learn to stop gossiping about others, from Shabbat we can learn to trust in Hashem that our income comes directly from Him, from Matan Torah we can learn that Hashem is the One and True God, and on and on. However, if one looks at the daily prayers they see that it is filled with Yerushalayim and the prophecy of the Mashiah and Hashem redeeming us from the diaspora! Why do we need an extra Mitzvah specifically to remember the prophecy of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash?

When one thinks about the coming of the Mashiah and the Bet HaMikdash being rebuilt, they must understand that this time will be filled with the FACT that Hashem is running the show and the whole world will KNOW IT AND LIVE IT. Meaning whatever we do will include the SIGHT of Hashem's recognition and presence. Therefore, the ultimate goodness and giving Hashem will do with us is when Jerusalem will be built completely.
This can be the reason why the tenth and final point we remember everyday is the Rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash. This point of remembering is not only because it will be a world of bliss and goodness, but its also to remind us that everything that happens to us is for the best and its in Hashem's control. Therefore, we hope to see very soon that what is going in Israel is ALL FOR THE BEST and for the MAJOR PLAN of Mashiah and the Built Yerushalayim!
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