Rabbi Shalom Arush shlit”a explains in the book theCLD raised money for and is giving out, The Garden of Emunah, key concepts regarding trust in Hashem and parnasah (livelihood) that every Jew should know. Tonight we wil focus B’H on these topics of trust in Hashem and looking at your workload and salary through the lens of a Jew.
First of all, we must understand that Hazal (our Sages)
constantly set up for us reminders that Hashem is The One providing for us our
livelihood and money in our pockets. A small example is in the Amida every Jewish male is instructed to
say everyday for three times (during all prayers). We say in the Amida that Hashem is the one who Mechalkel Hayim BeHessed, which means Hashem
is the one who provides Life with
Kindness. Hashem is the one that provides us life, so our Hachamim teach us
that just like Hashem provides the miracle of life to each and every one of us,
so too with our parnasah, Hashem is
the one providing for each and every one of us to have food on our tables.
Rav Shalom Arush explains that there is a key connection
between Emunah (faith and believing that Hashem controls everything) and
Parnasah. When an individual lives a life without Hashem, he/she is always
worried: what will I do with the bills at the end of the month, what will I
tell my landlord if I do not have enough money in the bank by the time rent is
due, what will I do for covering Shabbat expenses and and and and and… The list
does not end there, we all know stress is a key ingredient for the world’s most
vicious diseases and sicknesses, lo alenu.

In the end of the day how do we know that Hashem loves us?
Just look at all the people are not the biggest Rabbis and Rebetzins of our
generation and look hwo successful they are. Rav Arush explains that Hashem is
to us like a father to a son; when a son makes a mistake and angers his father,
his father still keeps him in the house and provides for him, so too a billion
times more Hashem with us. Even when we make mistakes Hashem still provides for
us! But how much more will He give us if we act in the correct manner?!
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