The Sefat Emet explains on the famous Pasuk in sefer BaMidbar 10:35,36 (VeYehi Binsoah Aharon Vayomer Moshe Kumah Hashem…) that there are two major ways of living a life as a Jew. Since we have begun learning about the life of Yaakov Avinu in our Parasha we read this morning, let us talk about the two names Yaakov has in the Torah. The first name is the obvious one given to him by Hashem directly in the Parasha we read, Yaakov, from the word ‘ekev.’ The second name Yaakov also receives from Hashem is the name Israel.
two names and the times they are given to Yaakov during his lifespan exemplify
the two main stages an individual must face in his/her life, especially when
one wants to live with Hashem.
first one is Yaakov, which exemplifies Yaakov’s lifetime with Esav, his arch
enemy. This time is represented by hardships and constantly running away from
Esav and the army he built just for the sole purpose of murdering Yaakov. This
name represents the time during the week where we constantly need to focus on
the service of Hashem that includes sur mera (distancing from evil).

is officially a new week, a new time where we can restart our service of Hashem
and focus on the opportunity that the yetzer hara (evil inclination) will come
at us to try to break us down and make us fail. The goal is TO KNOW that there
is such a spiritual power in the world that wants us to fail and avoid success!
Once we know this exists, when the spiritual tests come knocking on our door we
are more prepared to stand against them.
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