G-d willing tonight, if you are not sleeping already, you will most likely be sleeping through the night without any siren alerting you and your family that you have 15 seconds to run to a safe place before a rocket lands at your city. Right now Israel is facing Hamas terrorists constantly firing rockets aimed to kill Israeli citizens. Not only that, Hamas fire their rockets from hospitals and civilian packed locations. This means Hamas terrorists are using civilians as human shields to persuade the world that Israel is targeting civilians.
the other hand, we have over ONE MILLION Israeli civilians under attack as we
speak. I know this is tough, but let’s think of the good this is causing
and what Hashem possibly wants us to learn from this horrible situation.
Imagine all the people from one apartment building sleeping tonight in the same
bomb shelter. Imagine two neighbors who haven’t spoken to one another from
silly arguments or events. Imagine the love they have to force for each other
because now both their lives are in danger and they are forced to forgive each
the outcry of thousands of Jews around the world who have NOT opened up a
prayer book or a Tehillim (Psalms) in years due to the rockets from Hamas imach
shemam. Imagine the unity Jews are causing for eachother throughout the
world just by supporting Israel. It does not matter if you are a conservative
or liberal, right brain or left brain individual, if you are Ashkenaz or
Sephardic, if your grandparents come from Lebanon or Lybia, we are all standing
for Israel.
Ben Tzion Aba Shaul ZT’L writes in his famous book, Hochma VeMussar,
that the level of Ahavat Yisrael (loving another Jew) is very high,
which is stated in the Gemara: Masechet hsabbat 31a. He writes that they way we
can measure to see if we really reached Ahavat Yisrael is by seeing if we
feel happy for our friend’s happiness and of course for the sadness our friend
feels. How much more so in a time like these past couple of hours, where Israel
has been under attack?
we heard that three beautiful souls, each one symbolizing an entire WORLD, were
exploded to their deaths by a gaza rocket, were we upset? Do we feel the pain
their families are going through? Do we feel the pain Hashem is going through,
after all He is our Father in Shamayim (the Heavens). Of course He is upset
that we have reached such a situation.

Seriously may all of us
have a Shabbat Shalom!
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