This week’s Parasha, Parashat Hayeh Sarah includes one of
the most fundamental and relevant occasions to all Jews’ lives, the process of
finding a spouse and building a Jewish home. Yitzhak and Rivka reach the
ultimate unity in our Parasha and show us how to live a life of a Jew. However,
one of the points in the story of their unification is remarkable and strikes
and underlying meaning behind the idea of what a Jewish home is all about.
In the story of Eliezer, the servant of Avraham, and the
search for Yitzhak’s future wife, or the woman who will be one of the Mothers
of Judaism (Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah) there is one part that seems very
simple in text but when you look deeper its complicated and confusing. In our
Parasha, which includes the 24th chapter in Sefer Bereshit, Lavan
invites Eliezer into his home (before knowing who he was) and our Mepharshim
(commentators) explain to us that Lavan found out Eliezer brought valuable
gifts so he was interested in his money. However, we want to focus on Rivka and
what a Jewish home is all about so let us deep further into the story. On the
Pasuk where Lavan (Rivka’s brother and the future enemy of Yaakov) invites
Eliezer into his home, 24:31, Rashi explains that the words “Piniti HaBayit,” or I have made room in the home, means that
he took away all the idolatry from the home.

The answer is simple from the previous Pasuk in regards to
Lavan emptying the home from all the idols. Rivka was literally on the level of
Kedusha that probably does not exist in our generation today. She was in a home
of idolatry buried deep in the most impure acts of idol worship. She was
surrounded day and night by her brother and evil father worshipping other gods
and doing all these terrible acts. How did she become one of our Mothers, one
of the imhaot of Judaism? Rivka as a
tzadeket, a true righteous woman who put G-d before everyone and everything.

B’H we should want to reach the level of our Avot and Imahot who totally cared about their spiritual potentials before
anything else.
Shabbat Shalom!
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