Before we start tonight's CLD we want to thank all the readers and supporters who continued to visit the blog even with the power outage and all the difficulties regarding the storm. We want to let you know that theCLD family is praying for all those who are suffering and we hope that theCLD's spiritual influence will stand for those in need.
Unfortunately, a common characteristic that we live through
and struggle with is anger. It is something that we are born with and something
that society strengthens because society is the prime example of “live for
yourself, make yourself known to the world, and do not forget to constantly
show yourself off so you can land that next job or get that promotion or
succeed with that interviewee.” Whatever the case is in our life, we are
constantly told to reach perfection.
The truth with that in mind, if we bump into an obstacle or
something that stops us from moving forward we are filled with anger? And why
is that?! Because we do not believe in Hashem FULLY, we do not think that He
has the capability to throw at us challenges and see how we react to them. This
is where the stoplight shines, this is the moment of truth. Do we get angry
when we lose hundreds fo thousands of dollars in our warehouse due to a
hurricane even when we have no insurance? Do we get upset when we find out we
need to have surgery next month because we are in pain and all our plans have
been changed?
How do we express ourselves when we are surrounded by people
who have money and are NOT going in the way of the Torah? Are we scared of how
they are going to judge us if we stand there and say a Beracha in front of them
or are we going to proudly stand up for Halacha and follow Shulhan Aruch?

But how do we let go once and for all? The Orhot Tzadikkim teaches us that in order to overcome bad characteristic traits we must avoid them completely. If someone is an angry individual he/she should constantly ignore the will and want to let that anger out and be as modest and calm as possible, always speak in a low tone of voice and never to let the yezter hara of evil characteristic traits take over!
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