For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Our Parasha is only 30 Pesukim (verses) and it still has
enough content to blow our minds away with everlasting Chizuk (inspiration) to
be better Avdei Hashem! In three of the 30 pesukim we see the process of
sinning and what happens to every Jew after they fail to realize how special
they are and fall into the arms of Yezter Hara to perform a sin.
The process begins with the first Pasuk, Pasuk Tet-Zayin
(16) in Perek Lamed-Aleph (31) of Sefer Devarim. The Pasuk explains how Hashem
came down into the Ohel Moed where
Moshe and Yehoshua (to replace Moshe after entering Israel) where congregated
to hear what Hashem has to say. Hashem begins speaking and says: Do you know?!
Moshe, your nation, what they will do after you die? Your nation will not only
leave me, but they will run after all types of zenut (prostitution and sexual immorality, in the Torah its also
referring to idolatry which had the same drive as sexual desires today) of the
non-Jews in the land of Israel!

And then Hashem repeats it again in the next Pasuk (18): “And I
will hide My face on that day” (translation: What can we
learn from this piece of Torah? The
biggest punishment is a life without Hashem! The biggest punishment and evil in one’s life is a life without
the proper feeling of love and affection and care to be close to Hashem. The
biggest slap in the face by G-d is when He tells us: I DON’T WANT YOU.

B’H we should implant this in our hearts and slowly slowly
like a Date Tree, it will grow to produce fruits of love and affection for
Torah, Mitzvot and overall the proper direction a Jew should go in life.
Shabbat Shalom & Gemar Hatima Tova!
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