For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L &
Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
During Aseret Yemei Teshuva, if anyone walks into a
synagogue, the Kotel Plaza, a Kollel or any place where Selihot or Tefilla is going on, they will hear the famous Yud-Gimmel Middot being heard. The
Yud-Gimmel (13) Middot comes from Pesukim (verses) in the Torah and go like
this: VaYa’avor Hashem Al Panav Vayikrah:
Hashem-Hashem El Rahoom VeHanun Ereh
Apayim VeRav Hessed Ve’Emet Notzer Hessed La’Alaphim Noseh Avon-VaPesha-VeHatah
VeNakeh. These 13 Middot (characteristics) symbolize the endless mercy
Hashem obtains.
Rav Shimshon Pinkus ZT’L, in his book on the days of
Elul-Rosh HaShanah-Yom Kippur, explains how the Yud-Gimmel Middot is a very
powerful prayer. But the question stands: we don’t even ask for anything when
reciting these characteristic traits, how can we say this is a prayer asking of
anything? The answer is simple: when a beggar rings the mansion bell asking for
charity because he cannot scrap up ends meat for his family, the beggar does
not ask for money, all he says is: Mister, you are a rich and wealthy man, you
have a big heart and your hands are open to all those in need.” What the beggar
is asking for is obvious. The same is with the Yud-Gimmel Middot (VaYa’avor);
we are yelling and crying out to Hashem: “You are all powerful, You are all
merciful, You multiply the amounts of mercy and love You have for us endlessly,
You unfairly save us from the impurity we put ourselves in, You do it for
thousands upon thousands, and on and on!
The bakasha
(request) is obvious! We yell out Hashem’s “characteristics” to ask for
forgiveness. When someone does a sin, Has VeShalom (G-d forbid), they take away
Hashem’s status of King in the world. In order for a king to rule he needs a
powerful people that are united under his reign. If we sin, we are testifying
Hashem is not, G-d forbid, The Creator and Master of the Universe. This is the
crucial central point that revolves around Aseret Yemei Teshuva and we only
have 4 days left. Why not take advantage of Hashem’s mercy by keeping Shabbat
and reeking in the spiritual benefits of one Shabbat?
Shabbat Shalom and Gemar Hatima Tova!
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