For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L &
Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Rosh HaShanah tips: Don’t get angry, no matter what happens or else your entire year will be affected. Try not to sleep at all once sunrise hits or else your “luck will sleep the entire year.” Avoid eating spicy/bitter foods. Avoid red grapes and egozim (walnuts).
From the teachings of Rav Shlomo Pinto shlit’a that speaks
about the ikkar & mahut (the
foundation and pillar) of Rosh HaShanah through a mashal (fable):
There was once a powerful king who was untouchable and there
was no army standing in his way. The first two years of his conquering, he
overpowered every single enemy states. In all battles and wars in general there
are casualties and people who die, filled with suffering and deaths etc. One of
the countries that he got close to had very wise people. They gathered together
and began to think of a plan how to be saved from this powerful king. They
began to speak: “We really don’t have a choice because whatever we’ll do he
will overcome us. We can’t win. So maybe lets go out to the king before he
attacks and ask him: Your Highness, why would the king go through such efforts
to conquer us, we’ll just accept your rule and become part of your kingdom
because anyway you will overpower us, this also cancels out all the casualties,
deaths, suffering, pain, etc.”
In the meantime, the king was planning his largest attack
yet to overcome this country. A few days later, the king looks up from his desk
with all the plans and maps and sees the wise men crossing the border to
approach the king with the proposal. After hearing the wise men, the king said:
“because you came up to me and I am avoiding this entire war I will not only
accept your proposal and gladly rule over you, but I will also give you a
present. From this day forth, all my problems and issues will be discussed with
you and all your opinions will be heard. Every decree I propose will pass through
you and everything will be cleared through you.” This is the end of the mashal.
The nimshal goes
as follows: On Rosh HaShanah, THE KING – Hashem, throughout the entire world,
Jew/non-Jew, no matter where you are or what country you belong to, RULES &
JUDGES EVERYONE. If we wait until Rosh HaShanah and Hashem will ‘conquer’ us, Hashem
can G-d forbid place upon us very heavy and difficult decrees because its His
rule. However; if we come before
Rosh HaShanah to Hashem without Him coming to us and offer a proposal of His
kingdom on us “come Rule over us…” then Hashem will give us the opportunity to
discuss with Him how the kingdom will be. Meaning, the outcome of the upcoming
year will include our needs and bakashot (requests) and Hashem will
listen to our Tefillot (prayers) just
because we made Him King on us beforehand!
This is cute but how do we place Hashem onto us as King in
reality? We know that Hashem told us many things to do in the Torah. When we
turn around from doing things that are prohibited by stopping and changing our actions because The King told us this is the
ultimate testimony that Hashem is The King of the World.
B”H this Rosh HaShanah should pass us with Yirat Shamayim
(Fear of Heaven), Ahavat Shamayim (Love of Heaven), Simha (Happiness), Briyut
(Health), Spiritual and Financial Success!
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