For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L &
Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Happy 5,773rd Birthday World!
That’s correct, tonight, the 25th of Elul 5772
marks the 5,773rd year of the date Hashem created the world. During
these next couple of days holy Jews read the part of the Torah that corresponds
to that date. For example, tomorrow people will be reading the creation of the
first day from the Torah (Sefer Bereshit).
But what does this have to do with Hodesh Elul, the concept
of Teshuva and Rosh HaShanah? On the first day of creation, Hashem created
light and darkness. Hashem also split these two wonders and hid this light “for
the tzadikkim in the future.” The Gemara explains that Hashem saw that this
spritual light will be used by the wicked and they will take advantage of it so
he hid it for tzadikkim (the righteous) in the future. We see from here that we
need to split in our minds between the light and the dark, the truth and the
lies of this world and run after the truth, chase the light: chase the Torah.

Finally, there is an idea to start something new tomorrow
since it marks the date of creation. Create for yourself a new schedule, a new
outlook on life that INCLUDES Hashem, or even just a new way of putting your
heart more into your actions and beliefs.
Good Luck and Shana
Tova! May we all be written in the Book of Life!
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