Our Parasha is literally packed with many different stories
and key mussar (rebuke wisdom) points for a Jewlish life. Its unbelievable how
Hashem takes such unlimited knowledge and fits it in a couple chapters of
Torah. Our Parasha includes the overall reward given in this world of one
following a life of Torah and Mitzvot, rebuke given by Moshe to the Am (nation)
from Het Ha’Egel (the Golden Calf), and more wisdom that Moshe reveals to Am
Yisrael with how to live one’s life and finally the second paragraph of Shema
Yisrael that we read twice everyday.
In Shema Yisrael we say a Pasuk that is simple. However,
Rashi brings down something that is extremely harsh (for our generation). Let’s
try to understand it and break it down. We read everyday: “VeLimadetem Otam Et Benechem Ledaber Bam Beshivtecha Bevetecha
Uvlechtecha Baderech Uvshochbecha Uvkumecha. (Devarim 11:1-12)” This Pasuk means: And teach them, your
children, to speak them (words of Torah) everywhere (when you rest in your
home, when you are traveling on the way, when you sleep and when you wake up).
Rashi blows everyone (from our generation) away with a bomb: If you don’t teach your child Torah once he
begins to speak it is as if you buried him!
Rashi and the Torah is always viewed as the puppy love and
green grass and picnic fields, butterflies, bunny rabbits, etc. It is not third
grade anymore and we need to put that in our minds. The Torah and a Jewish life
is not something we joke around with. Its not like history or spanish or
another subject to learn in class. The Torah is life. Period. No one says you
need to act that way right away! Take your time, slowly step into it so it
becomes part of you. But don’t sit around do nothing. Don’t jump on it because
then you’ll throw it up and hate it. The Torah and a Jewish life is something
that grows with you.
Therefore, we need to know that the ikar, the foundation, is the next generation. It is up to us to
bring the Torah down to the next generation. How are we going to do it in such
a crazy and hectic society like ours? We all know the last generation and our
generation are two different worlds. But the Torah is still thriving and much
alive. It is our responsibility to continue that fire and that foundation that
our people have been living on for 3,324 years. This means that if one does not
teach his son Torah, the root of all happiness and success, it is as if he
buried him! Rashi is saying: Just listen to Hashem and everything will be okay.
When we speak Torah, there is no logic, no conscience, just Hashem and straight
halakha. Its either you do it or you don’t.
Shabbat is a time of growth. Let’s use this Shabbat to grow
with Hashem and pray that the Torah will become a part of us so we will receive
the honor of moving it to the next generation. Shabbat is the ultimate
testimony that we are the children of Hashem, so SMILE.
Shabbat Shalom!
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