For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L and Yissachar ben Yona ZT'L.
Rav Yitzhak Fanger tells a funny story in one of his many
inspiring shiruim: A newlywed couple after the Sheva Berachot/honeymoon comes
home. The man comes back from work/yeshiva and comes home to a beautiful dinner
table set with candles and a delicious meal ready to enter his hungry stomach.
The wife with great elegance, class and beauty sits him down and respectfully
waits to hear the feedback of how delicious the food is.

Rav Yiztchak Fanger through Rav Dessler’s Michtav Me’Eliyahu
explains that there is no such thing as really enjoying anything from this
world. There is simply no such thing! If you think about it in a deep level, it
is true. If we really enjoyed from anything in this world we would want it ALL
THE TIME! This shows us that the only true happiness in this world is something
eternal. Only getting close to Hashem through Torah is reaching eternal
happiness. As Hazal (our Sages) teach us, the Torah is the direct link and
connection to Hashem, Hashem is eternal, the Torah is eternal.
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