For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We can always look at this world to further understand Torah
and the spiritual realm. In the biology lecture today we learned about the
endocrine system that holds many glands that secrete hormones into the body.
How do the hormones reach the target area that they need to
get to? They don’t. They actually are put into the blood and travel throughout
the entire body in order to attach to the specific places that need them. It is
like magnets that when they reach the attractive spots they automatically click
and then the hormones are transported.

One of these things that are crucial is a big problem today
where we always need to justify our actions and explain to ourselves that we are right and everyone else is wrong. This is a characteristic that is seen on
the streets of Manhattan, on the subway everyday, in college, in stores, etc. I
do not see this in Yeshiva. Jews live a life where if they believe they are
always right, that lights up a red light that their hashkafa (view) on life is in jeopardy and the yezter hara is
messing around with them. If someone thinks they are always right, they are not living the life of a Jew. We are
constantly working on ourselves and striving to be better people. Period.
No one is saying we always need to look for what is wrong
and how we are wrong. No, rather just pay attention that there is a good chance
if you enter an argument with someone or something does not seem right, it may
very well be that you are mistaken. Accept the fact that Hashem created us as
human and we have Rabbis, our parents, mentors, etc. to direct us to live a
life of spirituality, happiness and holiness with Hashem.
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