For the Ilui
Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L, Yissachar ben Yona ZT'L and Haviva bat Yocheved Z’L.
B’H, The
Kedusha of Shabbat should stay with us throughout each difficult situation this
week and save us from G-d forbid any horrible decrees! We sing every week: Ki
Eshmerah Shabbat El Ishmeren, when one keeps Shabbat the Shabbat watches
over him!
There is a
question that arises in Parashat Va’et’hanan this past week: In Perek Hei
(Devarim 5:22 -23) there are two Pesukim (verses) that directly contradict
each other! One explains how Am Yisrael, all 4.5 million+ of them were at Har Sinai (and all the
Neshamot of the entire Jewish Nation that were in the sky, all the angels and
everything in the entire world heard the voice of Hashem). Am Yisrael after hearing the
first two dibrot (commandments) pleaded to Moshe Rabbeinu to end the
entire event because they felt like they were dying from the power of the ‘voice’
of Hashem.
following pasuk explains how the entire nation asks a rhetorical question:
where is there such flesh who head the voice of Hashem, as we have, and lived?!
The Noam Elimelech, ZT’L, asks how does this make sense! From one viewpoint you
see the entire people plead and cry to Moshe: make it stop, it is too much, we
are dying from the intensity. If we continue to hear Hashem’s voice we will
die! And then on the other hand you see the entire Am boasts and brags: where
is there such flesh that has withstood the voice of Hashem and has lived?
The answer
is deep and channels directly into the viewpoint that makes a Jewish lifestyle
so different than every other nation. The Noam Elimelech writes: The entire
difference lies in the time that Am Yisrael began complaining! Immediately
after the second dibrah (commandment). The first two dibrot speak about
the severity in remembering that there is one G-d who took our ancestors out of
Mitzrayim (Egypt ) and the second discusses the
commandment of placing only Hashem as The G-d and no other false gods or idols.
The third
already begins with HUGE Mitzvot, like the keeping of the Shabbat. However, it
was NOT ENOUGH FOR AM YISRAEL. They wanted only Hashem, so when there was any ‘obstacle,’
even if its SHABBAT, it was too far for them. They ONLY WANTED HASHEM. This
completely goes hand in hand with what we learn: the Neshama (our soul) ONLY
WANTS HASHEM. Begin the week with a fresh start and don't break your connection with The King of the world: smile.
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