For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
This process fits with the concept of Yetzer Hara so well
its pretty remarkable. First of all we learn from Orchot Tzadikkim, the sha’ar
of Emet (Chapter of Truth), that Shlomo HaMelech writes in Kohelet that Hashem
created man to be yashar, honest and
with a ‘straight’ look on life. Meaning if one takes away all the distractions
from this world he will naturally
get close to Hashem and will want a life with
Hashem! This is proof that Hashem did not create the Yetzer Hara (evil
inclination) to be a part of us. Also think about it, what does the Yetzer Hara
do? He penetrates into our thinking and mindset and persuades us that sinning
is not so bad and all the heavy punishments are not for “this type of sin.” Its
not such a big deal! Then he enters our psyche and thought pattern and the sin
becomes part of us and worse and worse, Hashem yaazor. It gets so bad that we
become accustomed to it and do not even realize its like poison!
At the end of the day the Yetzer Hara’s goal is to get us
depressed and upset to the point of G-d forbid anti-social behavior and even as
extreme as killing oneself (believe it or not there are people that reach these
levels of depression just because they believe their sin is horrible and Hashem
will not forgive them). However, the entire Torah yells at us: NEVER GIVE UP!
HASHEM ACCEPTS ALL TYPES OF APOLOGIES, just turn around and get away from the
sin and YOU WILL WIN! After all,
last night thousands of Jews across the globe finished the Shas in a 7.5 year
time period, why can’t you take upon yourself another small Mitzvah that will
stand for you in Olam Haba and will testify for you in front of Hashem after
What is a Virus?
It attaches itself from the outside of a cell like a
robot spider to the outer wall of the cell and penetrates its nucleic
information into the cell. Remember, we are made of 10 trillion cells. The
virus has a special ‘power’ to persuade the cell to replicate itself using the
cell’s energy. The virus begins reproducing more and more and more of itself
inside the cell, shedding throughout the entire space the cell takes up. The
virus becomes like an army of soldiers waiting to attack more cells and gets so
concentrated in the host cell that it kills it off and manages to blow it up.
Then the virus goes on to more cells and repeats the process until the person
G-d forbid becomes sick and takes medicine to fight it off. The biology
professor at baruch explained that the virus is not even a living cell, its
actually dead and gets it!

Shabbat Shalom!
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