Thursday, June 28, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. Even though there is no mandatory law to eat meat during Shabbat because it is not like Sukkot where one is commanded to be happy (happiness is eating meat and drinking wine), whoever can financially buy meat should do so anyway. One should greaten the intake of wine and meat on Shabbat based on how much he/she can. One should intake foods that are special on Shabbat for Oneg Shabbat. One who cannot financially buy food for Shabbat should at least buy enough for two meals. One should even lessen the weekday food consumption just to save for Shabbat meals. If one cannot buy enough food for two full Shabbat meals they should go to Gabbais and ask for money to help them buy food for three full Shabbat meals.

2. It is correct to eat fish on Shabbat and if one can they should eat fish throughout all three Shabbat meals, and if they cannot at least during the first and third Shabbat meals. Whoever dislikes the taste of fish should not be forced to eat, because Shabbat was given to Am Yisrael for pleasure. One should clean their hands with water, eat bread and drink a beverage between the intake of fish and meat. If one’s hands are clean and they ate with a fork they can be lenient and ignore the hand washing (but not the halacha of eating bread and drinking a beverage to clean out their mouth).

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