Friday, June 22, 2012

CLD #619

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.

ויאמר משה בזאת תדעון ה' שלחני לעשות את כל המעשים האלה כי לא מלבי
Bamidbar 16:28

Parashat Korah is best known for the famous Mahloket (argument/debate) between the evil Korah, Datan and Aviram with Moshe Rabbenu and Aharon HaKohen. However, I want to focus on a single Pasuk in the Parasha that shows what it means to be a real thinking Jew.

Moshe Rabbenu, as stated in Parashat Beha’alotcha, is the most modest human being on the planet. Not only was Moshe Rabbenu the best Rabbi, Navi (prophet), politician (without the negative connotation), leader, motivator, manager, father, husband, brother, etc. but Moshe was also the truest Jew who lived solely to make Hashem happy and be His servant! From the Pasuk that discusses what Moshe tells Korah and the 250 Nesiei Eidah (members of Shevet Reuven) after their complaint and the heart of the rebellion, we see the greatness of Moshe Rabbeinu.

Moshe tells them out loud: you must know and realize Hashem is the one who chose me for this position and to monitor and lead all these events that are taking place, because it is not from my own heart. From this Pasuk we see Hashem teaching us why we need to work on ourselves to reach our potentials to become a human being like Moshe. Rashi says that not only did Hashem make Moshe the leader of Am Yisrael for 80 years (in total), but He also made Moshe like the King of Am Yisrael.

Who despises power?! I don’t think we will find even a single king or queen in the world today, even if they are only figureheads, who dislike their political position! But what does Moshe Rabbenu say? It is not from my own heart. Meaning, I do not do these things because I decided it is best for my future or because I enjoy my powerful role. I do it because Hashem is telling me to do it.

(Speaking to myself as well) We all need to begin living our Jewish lives (even if we only have a touch of Judaism in our day-to-day living) because Hashem says so. Not because it is what is best for me and not because it is the happiest life. THIS IS WHAT HASHEM WANTS. That is real Judaism, that is the bechina (level) of Moshe Rabbenu.

Judaism=Think, not money.

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