Unfortunately (speaking to myself as well), we do not think
our little tiny selves make such an influence on the world today. In regards to
young Jewish adults, especially single guys in the High
School-Undergraduate-Graduate age, we believe we are free spirits gliding on
the grassy fields under California’s bright blue sky.
Every single action we do, as described in the Holy Gemara,
has a gargantuan spiritual effect on the world. One single Tefillah we say with
real kavanah, meaning with emotional intention and focus from all our heart,
can change the entire outcome of the situation we are in. There is a famous
story of a woman who was walking alone in Brooklyn one night (I know her
brother, a father of three from Queens) who was being followed by a man
(obviously not a Jewish fellow). She felt like she was entering into a
dangerous situation. She was scared. Obviously, she turned to Hashem and ONLY
know what that means, no translation is needed.
The next couple of hours, days, weeks the face of this man
was in the news. Later that same night he raped a woman. She went into the
Precinct and called him out (like we see in the movies with the number
posters). She asked him: “Why not me?” He was shocked why she even asked. All
he answered was: “Are you crazy, you didn’t see the two huge men standing next
to you like bodyguards?!”

“It is also know that this life is not a life at all, because the base of depression and sadness and the lack of Simha (happiness) come from this act, and all the related problems to do with the soul are in the hands of the one sinning from this act. BECAUSE THE INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE AND THE MIDDAH (concept) of YESOD are interlinked. When the Yesod (everything to do with the Birt Milah) is damaged and spoiled, the knowledge and intelligence of the person is harmed.
Also someone’s luck is completely ruined when following this sin, like Shlomo HaMelech said in mishlei 6:26 that someone following a Zonah (prostitute) will end up with only a loaf of bread. Also the Gemara explains how someone following women and the acts of sexual immorality will end up a poor man.
Even if a man is born in a time of spiritual greatness, wealth and good luck if he continues in this path his good luck turns into WICKED luck. From the book HaRokeah, Mashit Zera Levatalah, one who wastes seed has a Rashei Tevot (abbreviation) of Mem-Zayin-Lamed, which spells out Mazal (like Mazal Tov), which means Luck. In conclusion, one who has this sin in his hands and even has Gold in his pocket, it will transform into metal because of his miserable luck! This is why with Yosef, who beat the Yetzer Hara for his lust and chase for women, was filled with successful events time after time, as it says: “Hashem Matzliah Beyado.”
One’s Health and Parnasah (financial status) is based on the Shemirah (keeping) of Kedusha, and one needs to stablizie their Kedusha in order to serve Hashem, gain health from Shamayim and sustain a financially stable lifestyle. How can one who is harmed and occupied with these sins live a life of Service to Hashem?
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