For the Ilui
Neshama of Eliyahu ben Norma and Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Hashem is obviously perfect, He has qualities that are complete in all ways and
aspects. Therefore when it says in one of the parshiyot that we heard during
Shabbat “Kedoshim Tihiyu Ki Kadosh Ani,” Hashem is really saying make
sure you are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT holy. Be Holy because I am Holy.
If Hashem is
complete in everyway obivously He wants us to be completely holy. This is why
on this Pasuk it makes sense that the Ramban is so stringent on what it means
to be holy. The Ramban says being holy is being stringent, serious and
persistent in regards to the Mitzvot that we are allowed to do on a Torah
level. Meaning one should not be having a barbeque all day sleeping with his
wives and “taking advantage” of Hashem’s gifts. This also fits with Rashi who
says in every place of holiness you will find many boundaries of purity.

This is why
we must be true to ourselves and say “If I want to live a life of truth there
are no games involved.”
B’H we
should have the gift from Hashem to open our eyes to see the difference between
the confusing messages of society to stur us away from Torah and Ma’asim Tovim
(good deeds).
Today is the 29th day of the Omer, which is 1 day and 4 weeks.
Today is the 29th day of the Omer, which is 1 day and 4 weeks.
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