For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We are now living in the days of Sefirat HaOmer, which marks
days of Judgment and a more negative connation in the way Hashem controls the
world. These 50 days mark the 50 levels of Purity one can attain in the world.
Even in a generation where at first the spirituality levels
seem extremely low one can go to Jewish communities and see how vast the
spirituality and purity of Am Yisrael has spread throughout Jewish homes, Shuls
and hearts.
The Yetzer Hara does a great job of telling us on a daily
basis how to run after life’s needs, which is obviously important. However, he
never tell us to run after our Neshama’s needs. A Jew must be aware that he/she
is made up of two crucial elements: a Neshama (Jewish soul) and a body which is
just the cloth or suit that holds it down. The Neshama is so spiritually
powerful that it needs to be contained by straight up material (since our flesh
comes from soil and dirt as seen from Sefer Bereshit) in order to be limited.

Even if G-d forbid we feel this way IT IS OKAY. We need to
accept it and speak to a Rabbi or a religious friend or anyone with some Torah
knowledge. But to go around pretending I love Hashem and I love the Torah when
I really don’t is a problem.
Being honest with yourself is a sign of growth. Sefirat
HaOmer is all about working on who you are NOW to help build a home and start a
family for the FUTURE, Be’ezrat Hashem.
Today is the 26th
day of the Omer, which is 5 days and 3 weeks.
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