Monday, April 23, 2012

CLD #574

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Our society teaches us instant gratification. Directly after hearing those two words the Internet comes to mind. How long will it take for us to completely forget about patience, about morality, honesty, love, caring for another person, or even the simple task of getting up when seeing a pregnant lady on public transportation and offering your seat?

The answer is that G-d will never let His morals and characteristics leave this world. Nature is against what society is doing to us. I was at a little restaurant recently and in the bathroom the hand dryer had a button to begin it operation. It was not one of those dryers that worked by sensing your hands underneath it. Automatically I realized that I have become accustomed to receiving things without appreciating.

We are being constantly told how to act and how to behave. For example, the only way one learns to be patient is by becoming a parent. A child is not some machine that you can shut off by pressing a button on a remote control. If the baby is wailing away you need to love it and care for it to set it down. The woman you married will not throw herself at you because you smiled to her after signing the bill for your shots at the bar. Things that are most beautiful and most cherished today require real work on oneself. Unfortunately, NYC is packed with homes of a mother, a father, a child, and four pets. The number of people in a family is constantly decreasing and more people are turning to living a single life forever.

With the Torah, we see how special it is to bring in more life into this world. Just the characteristics that a parent is forced to work on is a small thing we realize that Hashem has given us. But we cannot become perfect boys and girls of G-d in a single day. It takes a lifetime of constant focus. Why not start now, after all it is Rosh Chodesh, the first of Chodesh Iyar.

Talk to Hashem, do not be embarrassed to ask Him for help!
 It doesn’t cost ANYTHING. You will see Him answer.
Smile, cuz Hashem loves you.

Chodesh Tov.

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My favorite line is when you said,"It takes a lifetime of constant focus." These days everyone is so use to immediate satisfaction that they are no longer willing to put time or energy into something that requires more effort.

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