For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Kriyat Yam Suf is the splitting of the Red Sea. What
happened behind the story itself? As we know, Am Yisrael was traveling for Six
full days after leaving Egypt until they reached Yam Suf (the Red Sea). After
the third day Pharoah realized Am Yisrael was not returning to do the slavery
work needed for the country, so he took 600 of his most fine soldiers with their
chariots and went out to chase the nation!
Am Yisrael on the sixth day saw Pharoah with his entire army
chasing them. Unfortunately, Hashem is a billion times stronger than any army
in the world, even Tzahal (may we be successful in all our missions)! Hashem
had a huge blazing cloud of Fire behind Am Yisrael that would keep the
Egyptians away from His holy children, Yisrael.
Right before the splitting of the sea, Am Yisrael had no
choice but to dive into the water. Egypt was behind them and there was no
turning back. But how come they succeeded? They believed.

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