For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Tomorrow Night Be’ezrat Hashem we will be experiencing our
own Kiryat Yam Suf (the splitting of the Red Sea) all over again for the 3,325th
time. What does that mean?
We all have a Middah (trait) of Mitzrayim in us. Mitzrayim
in Hebrew begins with an open mem and
ends with a closed mem. Meaning that
it represents the fact that someone walks into the concept of Mitzrayim and
never walks out. Mitzrayim comes from the word tzar in Hebrew which means narrow.
This teaches us that one should always be open minded and
never judge or perceive others as complete Resha’im because he/she does not
know where they stand and cannot fill Hashem’s role in controlling the world.
Mitzrayim also represents all the taavot (desires) in the world because it was filled with all the
worst types of events and scenarios that would lead Jews to sin. We know from
the Haggadah (which is probably learned from the Midrash or the Gemara) that
the Jews were saved from Mitzrayim because they kept 3 things: they wore
different clothing compared to the Egyptians, they kept their Jewish names, and
they lived in different places than the Egyptians.
There was a separation between the other nations and the
Each one of us, like Avraham Avinu, goes through ten major nisyonot (spiritual ‘tests’). Each one
of these tests can be conquered because each one is created by Hashem with the
calculation that we can overcome it with all our might.
We know from Chazal (our Sages) that it was not until the
water reached the inside of the Jews lungs that Hashem opened up and split the
Red Sea! This teaches us that we need to be moser
nefesh and let go of our biggest desires that are against Hashem to
continue living a life of Torah and succeed!
B’H we should succeed to continute our Simcha and Love for
Hashem and the fact that we were born jewish. Tomorrow night is the anniversary
of Kriyat Yam Suf, it is a time of reflection, a time to think: what have I
done the past year to reach a greater connection with G-d?
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