The Ben Ish Hai ZY’A writes beautiful Derashot (Words of
Torah) on Shir HaShirim. One of the Derashot on a Pasuk is really something that
shows the beauty behind the holy Torah. Shir HaShirim 4:11 says “…Devash
VeHalav Tahat Leshonech VeReah Salmotayich Kereah Levanon,” Honey and Milk are under your tongue and the
fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Levanon.
The Ben Ish Hai says the Torah is like Milk. And
specifically the word milk in Hebrew: Halav
which is made up of 3 letters > Het, Lamed, Bet. First of all, the Torah is
linked to milk because halav has a
Gematriya (numerical value) of 40 which represents the 40 days and 40 nights
that Moshe Rabbeinu stayed by Har Sinai to accept the Torah from Hashem.
Therefore during Hag Shavuot, the holiday that commemorates the day that Am
Yisrael received the Torah, we tend to eat dairy foods.
Second, the milui
(letters that make up the letters) of Halav,
meaning Het gets broken up into Het-Yud-Tav, Lamed into Lamed-Mem-Dalet and
Bet into Bet-Yud-Tav spell out the word “Temidit”
which means forever, permanent (Tav-Mem-Yud-Dalet-Yud-Tav). This is a remez (hidden clue) that tells us the
Torah is like Milk, which means that the Torah is like the words of Halav which
explains the permanent/forever feature of the holy Torah in our lives and in
the future generations. Also, this shows that the Torah should be the permanent
meaning of a person’s actions, and not the temporary/less important reason why
a Jew does something.
Third, milk is made from the Animal’s blood and then through
Hashem’s process of nature it is turned into milk. It is known that the color
red resembles Din (judgment) and white resembles Rachamim (mercy). Therefore
through the Torah, where someone learns it with all their might, they switch
Hashem’s “mood” from a judging perspective into a merciful perspective.
Fourth, milk is a crucial natural and effective
nutrient-packed substance that the baby lives off of. With the natural sucking
the baby is born with, we see he/she must have breast milk to live! The baby
drinks breast milk whenever it gets the chance. This is the same with every
Jewish soul, which must have Torah to live and by every opportunity it can
learn Torah it should!
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