For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
The intelligence and wisdom and PURITY behind the words came
from sweat and tears the author (usually Huge Rabbis) prayed to obtain! You
think the Gemara is fun to stare at? It is a book organized by strict margins
with words and words and words. NO PICTURES. I don’t think the Gemara is
yelling at anyone: Stare at my skin, stare at my body just like the magazines
at the corner delis, lehavdeel!
The person who is most egotistical is usually disliked and
always loud. They are in people’s faces begging for attention. This is exactly
like the magazines in New York. However, the person who is simple and like the
Matzah, unleavened, quiet, modest, is a vessel for wisdom, intelligence and
purity. This is like the Gemara itself.
The difference between New York, a materialistic/secular
environment and Jerusalem is massive. The appearance alone between the two
major cities in the world is boldly different. But lets just jump and say New
York represents the inner soul and the essence behind a non-Jew and Jerusalem
represents the purity behind a Jewish Neshama (soul).
The difference between the American Culture and the Jewish
Culture is clear. How do we know this? Based on the books that each culture
reads. What do Americans read on a daily basis rain-or-shine? The newspaper,
the gross magazines on the newsstands all about sex, the gossip-packed tabs on
people that you will never see in your life (celebrities), etc. What are these
pamphlets/newspapers packed with? Pictures. Pictures specifically to ctach
someone’s attention. Who cares if the pictures might scar children’s eyes or
memories forever? It doesn’t matter. As long as I get the customer to put down
$5 or $6 for my magazine I AM A WINNER.
What is different with a Jewish library and/or interest in
books? We go after the book that is filled with intelligence, with wisdom that
will make me rise higher and higher in spirituality and even in day to day
activities, tasks and life goals! What are these books? Sifrei Kodesh. And the
funniest part about these books is that most do not even have a single picture
inside them! Not even one. So how are they so popular?

What does this have to do with Pesach? We know we Jews tend
to go cleaning-crazy during these weeks/days before Pesach. Every corner of the
house needs to be spotless without any Chametz in sight! What does Chametz,
leavened bread, represent? It represents the heightened ego of the human. It
represents the unhealthy pride that a person might have thinking “Everything is
happening because of ME, I am the
reason for success, I am the reason
for happiness, I I I I…”

A secret between me and you: Hashem is not looking for the Jew
with pride filling up their heart. “Praised are the ones who are innocent in
Hashem’s way… (Tehillim 119:1)!”
It is a privilege to
learn Torah, we should be running after it like there is no tomorrow!
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