For the Ilui
Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
What does it
mean to be free? On Lel Shabbat in 6 days Be’ezrat Hashem we will be
celebrating Lel HaSeder 5772! Aren’t you excited?! But wait, we have been doing
this same 'ritual' for the past I don’t even know how many years and it hasn’t even
changed since!
The sad part
is true, we are still stuck in our 3rd grade version of what Pesach
is all about. We don’t see it as something so personal, something relevant at
all to our everyday lives or something that brings a connection with us and the
most important people around us. The fact is that Yetziyat Mitzrayim is a core
pillar of Judaism and the Torah HaKdosha. Besides for the Emunah that was seen
from Am Yisrael during this time, especially since Am Yisrael believed in such
great intensity in Hashem’s power and might to take us out of Egypt, it is also
something that exists TODAY on such a personal level!

But what
does that mean? We all know that we have something we depend on. Whether it be
a scoop of ice cream we must have before the end of the week comes along, or to
check our phone after we leave class, or the need to call someone when we are
alone, and on and on. The fact that we depend greatly on something or someone
else shows our need for it is large. And on a deeper level this shows we are enslaved
to this object/product/food/whatever.
The fact that Hashem took us out of Egypt and all the desires that were there
shows that Hashem took us out of the slavery that existed there! But then
Hashem transferred our dependence on Pharaoh to the dependence on HIM!
Now through
prayer, sweat and tears to this spiritual powerforce in the entire universe and
beyond we show that we ONLY depend on Hashem. And as shocking as it is, this
shows our ultimate freedom. If we G-d forbid get sick we do not depend on
doctors (totally) or on medication, we are not enslaved to the machine that
shows us our X-Ray, rather we are dependent on Hashem. This Emunah leads us to
total serenity which shows our freedom is in our hands, through Hashem’s power.
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