For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
b”H we will be reading Shabbat Zachor, fulfilling a Mitzvah from the Torah!
things on Parashat Tetzaveh, the Parasha this Shabbat, that links directly to
Purim from the teachings of Rav Nissim Levy shlit’a:
Rabeinu’s name doesn’t appear in Tetzaveh.
name doesn’t appear in Megillat Esther. How can it be that in the entire Tanach
every book has Hashem’s name multiple times, except of Esther. So the
Mepharshim (commentary) explain that everytime the Megillah says “HaMelech”
(The King), it is referring to Hashem and not the king of the story,
wore the clothing of the Cohen Gadol! Our Parasha is the Parasha on the
clothing of the Cohen Gadol and the regular Cohanim! Is it a coincidence that
on the same week of Purim there is a Parasha that directly connects to the
story of the Great Mercy of Hashem, a.k.a. Purim? I don’t think so.
with Rashbi (Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, the Holy Holy author of the zohar HaKadosh)
and his students:
Masechet Megillah, the Gemara explains that Rashbi and his students were
discussing what causes Haman to have such a upper hand in the beginning of the
Pruim story? Rashbi’s students asked their Rabbi why this happened? Rashbi told
them to answer and they said that because Am Yisrael enjoyed and benefitted
from the party of Achashverosh they deserved the punishment of annihilation, Lo
did the students believe this? Because of such a Party millioms of people deserve
death, this is crazy?! Rav Levy explains that this could not be the answer (and
it isn’t because the Gemara continues with Rashbi giving another answer to why
Am Yisrael were in such a bad position) because there is NO WAY Am Yisrael
enjoyed from a Party that had the Host (Achashverosh the Rasha) wearing the
Holy Clothing of the Cohen Gadol from the Home of Hashem, the Beit HaMikdash.
AND on top of that, the dishes that they were using to serve all the guests in
the party (which lastd 180 days) were the dishes of the Beit HaMikdash. I don’t
think Am Yisrael can enjoy from such a nasty scene, going from the Home of
Hashem, wearing Garments of Purity and Spirituality to some party with who
knows what dirty things are going on there?!

Going to Shul on Shabbat
Zachor is huge because besides the whole environment of being in Hashem’s home
(Shul), one also fulfills the Mitzvah from the Torah: Listening to Parashat
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