For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Baruch Hashem we have reached Parashat Mishpatim. In this week’s
Parasha there are many Psukim (verses in the Torah) that focus on the behaviors
between man and his fellow. For example, we learn out from the words in
Parashat Mishpatim that when someone hurts another human and for example, has
them lose an arm or a leg they need to compensate them with cash money.
How do we evaluate how much that costs? In the time of the
market, due to financial reasons, some Jews by the court of law (whether it be
the lack to pay debt or for no reason at all) were sold as slaves on the slave
market (very different from African
American slaves 200 years ago, many Halachic Laws show one must respect a slave
even more than himself). So the person would be evaluated in the labor/slave
market with an arm, and then they would compare his price to a person without
an arm. This difference would have to be paid by the person who caused B to
lose his arm. From here we learn that there is actual physical evaluation for
each person. We are all limited in a physical mindset.
HOWEVER, in spiritual dollars there is no such thing as
evaluating someone. Each Neshama cannot be evaluated due to its spiritual
greatness! And no, there is no such thing as opne Neshama has more spiritual
power or potential than another, we are all here in this world to serve Hashem
with all our might and power WITH SIMCHA (happiness); it doesn’t matter if one
is rich and the other is poor, if one is tall and the other is short if she is
ugly and you are gorgeous. We are all here with the same spiritual goals to
accomplish and strive to reach.
This also goes hand in hand with the inspiration we need to
give ourselves to understand how powerful our voices are. Hashem listens to
every syllable that comes our of our mouths, every prayer is locked and sealed
up in Shamayim to be answered (if it wasn’t answered immediately doesn’t mean
it wasn’t heard)! This helps us understand why the world has so much
opportunity today. Its all here for our spiritual benefit, to reach serving
Hashem in our own special way. Obviously we all must follow the Shulchan Aruch which is the foundation
of Jewish Law that the entire Jewish Nation accepted upon themselves since the
1500s! However, there is definitely room to be flexible with out own individual
Avodat Hashem.

“Work” Hashem with a
smile, or else you are just wasting your time. Judaism is for our own good,
lets not do favors for Hashem that we are trying to be religious. We need to
know its all for our own good. It’s a
privilege to get closer to Hashem, take advantage.
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