This week’s
Parasha, Parashat Yitro includes the ASERET HA’DIBROT! The Ten Commandments are
the 10 main branches that make up the ever-strong tree of the Torah HaKdosha.
They represent the 10 main lifelines that each Jew in the world must link
themselves to. Ki Hem Hayenu Ve’Orech Yamenu (Because they are our Life and
the length of our days). The Torah is the powerhouse where one goes to receive
more years, more life, and more quality of life in this world.
After Hashem
tells Am Yisrael in His own voice the First Two Commandments, Am Yisrael can’t
take it anymore and they ask Moshe to handle the other Eight.

The question
from an outside perspective is why? What is so special about an alter that is
attached to the ground than one that is on top of rocks?
First a
little background on Korbanot (sacrifices), the word Korbanot comes from
the root Lekarev, to bring closer. Korbanot are a privilege for Am
Yisrael to bring animals to get closer to Hashem (obviously Hashem doesn’t “need”
animals, there is no such thing!), its all for our own benefit.
Second, let’s
look deeper into rocks and soil. If we just think a little we can reach an
inspirational answer. Rocks are physically hard, they can be used for horrible
things such as Palestinians using rocks to throw at Buses holding Jews in
Hevron (Hebron ) who are going to Maharat HaMachpela (where our
Forefathers are buried, including Adam Ve’Chava [Eve]). Rocks are not pleasant,
they are in the lowest level of life, the level of Domem (non-living).
After that comes living, which includes soil, plants, trees, flowers, etc.

Maybe that means I should start with
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