For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Baruch Hashem, if we only open
our eyes a little bit we see Hashem everywhere. One of my Rabbis and I were
walking out of yeshiva in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh and we realized people were
just standing by the front entrance. We looked through the window in the door
and saw the Kotel (Western Wall) Cleaners using this high pressure water hose
to clean the Jerusalem Stone floors.
Rav Darmoni, who was standing
next to me overlooking the cleaners cleaning the floors said: “This is what Rav
Bina (the Rosh Yeshiva) does to the students.” Before the students (fresh out
of senior year in high school) physically enter the Yeshiva for the first time,
we are all filled with dirty impurity. We walk onto the plane to Israel for the
year with so much spiritual confusion and we leave with such clarity, with the
help of Hashem!

We need to know that no matter
what we go through in life, even if we have zchut
Avot (the privilege of having holy ancestors that help keep us in the right
track spiritually), its all up to our own actions to stay in the correct
direction of living life with Hashem.
is known that Avraham Avinu reached the reality that Hashem controls the world
just by thinking. What makes us think we can’t either?
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