For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Baruch Hashem we had the zchut
of being in Rav Darmoni’s home last night and listen to a remarkable shiur (as
always) about Tefillah (prayer) and
what its all about. The basics of prayer is to know that at the moment one
starts to pray automatically Hashem comes directly in front of the person to
listen to their Tefillah.
In this past Shabbat’s Parasha,
Parasha Shemot, we see Hashem telling Moshe the famous line “Shal Na’alecha Me’Al Raglecha,” Take your
shoes from your feet. On the basic level, it is simple to understand that
when one enters a place with Hashem’s direct presence, they should not come in
wearing shoes (as seen in the rules of the Beit HaMikdash, where Kohanim may
not wear shoes). But let’s pay attention to what Rav Darmoni said and focus a

What does the Na’al also represent?
It represents a full covering of the foot. The Na’al represents the full
covering that the body has over the Neshama (soul). We want to peel off this
covering to make sure our spiritual spark in us completely connects with Hashem
in Tefillah.

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