For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Who is a King? Who is a champ?
Where is the success?
High Schools, Colleges, Yeshivas
(most important) and our teachers/educators all push us to be leaders, to be
greater than them.
We simply see from the Torah
what it takes to be successful, to be the leader, to be the one who everyone
looks up to. Moshe Rabbeinu is the ultimate leader, figurehead, Rabbi, and most
importantly was the biggest Navi (prophet) that ever walked on planet Earth.
But what made him so great?
Rav Darmoni shlit’a passed on a
well known Dvar Torah that is both powerful and influential to get the average
Joe to start thinking: How can I improve?
The word King in Hebrew is “Melech” and is made up of 3 letters:
Mem-Lamed-Chaf. The word Nothing in Hebrew is “Cloom” and is made up of the 3 same letters: Chaf-Lamed-Mem.
What’s the difference of the two words? Obviously the order you put the 3
letters. In Melech we use the Mem first, which symbolizes Moach, or Brain; then Lamed, which symbolizes Lev, or Heart; lastly we use the letter Chaf which symbolizes Caved, or Liver. It is known from Chazal
that the Caved is the centerplace of the Ta’avot,
or physical bodily desires (which include food, hygiene, reproduction, etc.),
the Lev represents the Ruach which is the centerplace for the Will of Man and
lastly the Moach represents the Neshama (or the highest form of the spiritual
connection/soul with Hashem) of Man. A King is someone who works like the
letters of the Hebrew translation: Melech.
They first begin acting by using their Brain, then Heart and they do the action
by twisting their physical desire to comply with their Brain and Heart’s
Nothing in Hebrew is the
complete opposite, where the Ta’avot in the Caved (the desires from the liver)
control Man’s Heart and then spoil his Brain to act negatively in all regards
(because negative spiritual actions lead to negative physical decisions).
B’H we will understand that the
true “champ” is one who listens to his Brain over his desires. We will
understand B’H that one who follows his/her desires is equal to an animal
(unless they really think about it and somehow reach the conclusion that the
body’s needs are the only important thing to care about in life). If one only follows the Parashat HaShavua (weekly Torah reading in Shul) then by the end of the year it is as if the finish reading the ENTIRE TORAH!
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