For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We say in Tefillat
Amidah/Shmoneh Esreh: Baruch Ata Hashem Magen Avraham. Blessed are You Hashem,
the one who protects/watches over Avraham.
We are entering Sefer Shemot,
the book of Shemot and we just ended the Sefer of Bereshit. What is the main
part of Bereshit? Its all about Avraham Avinu, Judaism really began from
Avraham Avinu!
What is so special about Avraham
Avinu z’l and what does Avraham have to do with these six weeks: Shovavim?
We know from the Leshem Yechud
of Kriyat Shemah Al Ha’Mitah (the intro paragraph prayer before Reading Shemah
before bed) that we have Rama”ch Evarim
(248 organs) and Shasa”h Gidim (365
veins). Avraham had his name changed from Avram to Avraham, with the extra
added Hei. Avram comes out in
Gematriya to 243, Avraham is 248. This shows that when Hashem added the letter Hei to Avram, Hashem gave Avram the
power to control the 5 famous organs every single male has a lack of control
over. These 5 organs all have a great connection with the Kedusha of the body
and the Nefesh (soul). These 5 organs include: one’s Brit Milah, both eyes and
both ears.
These 5 organs are extremely
important for every Jew to watch over Be’ezrat Hashem. These 5 organs are the
pillars of Kedusha for the person’s life.

we should have the zchut to rise higher and higher in Kedusha and the see the
truth of this world CLEARLY before our eyes.
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BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! All monies go to the
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