In the final chapters of Shoftim (Judges), the Navi tells us the story of Micha and the Idolatry he spread across Shevet Dan (the tribe of Dan) and Israel. In the end of the story the Navi states that the Kohen (priest) of the Idol worshiping was the grandson of Moshe. However, the Navi does not write out Moshe, Mem-Shin-Hei; rather, the Navi writes out Menasheh, Mem-Nun-Shin-Hei (with the Nun sticking out, refer to Shoftim 18:30).
The Commentary, Rashi and
Metzudat David, write that the Navi here wrote Menasheh instead of Moshe
Rabbeinu to respect Moshe Rabbeinu’s name. Moshe Rabbeinu was the human that
got closest to Hashem in the history of the entire world. Later on, we see that
his grandson (not 10 generations later and not 5 generations later: ONLY 2
GENERATIONS LATER) was the priest for Avodah Zarah (Idolatry) in Am Yisrael
that lasted many many years!
What does this show us? Prikei
Avot Perek Bet Mishnah Dalet: “Al Ta’amen
Be’Atzmecha Ad Yom Motecha.” One should not have trsut in himself until the
day they die!
What does this mean? One should
not tell himself: “I am religious enough. I am okay. I don’t need to add
anything else in my life. I’m set.”

says you cannot become religious, forget about becoming the biggest rabbi in
the nation?! Its all up to you.
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