For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
In Shema Yisrael we say everyday
“VeShinantem Levanecha VeDibarta Bam…”
(Devarim 4:7) You shall teach them
thoroughly to your children. What is “them” in the Pasuk referring to? Rav
Levy shlit’a explains that Bam, them
is a two lettered word: Bet and Mem. Bet symbolizes the word Bereshit that begins the Torah She
Be’Ktav (Written Torah) and Mem symbolizes Me’ematai
that begins the Torah She Be Al’Pe (Oral Torah). This shows us that the father
is obligated to teach the son the Torah in its entirety and not only partially
(like some congregations have confused). Where do we see this as well?

We are at the breaking point
between regular days and very holy holy days of Shovavim (Abbreviation of the next 6 weeks, Shemot-Va’era-Bo-Beshalach-Yitro-Mishpatim). Shovavim is a time to reach extreme levels of Kedusha
(purity), in regards to keeping holy in Tzniyut, Brit Milah, and all matters
between men and women in general.

power of purity is all in our hands. We can
do it.
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