For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Technically, the sons being the lower level of Kohanim (Kohen Hedyot),
could have taken out the other 2 sons who were engulfed by Hashem’s flame according
to Purity laws. But no, because it was the opening
day of the Mishkan, everything had to be done in 100% Kedusha (purity).
This means that the 2 remaining sons had to be shot up to the highest level of
Kohen (Gadol)! In the Chanukah story, it was the first day after the Greeks’
desecration of the Bet HaMikdash when they lit the Menorah! It had to be done
with 100% KEDUSHA!
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Hashem created the world with the Jew to be
the example for all the nations in regards to lighting up the world with
Kedusha (purity) and real Ahava (love). The Menorot (Menorahs) you will see
everywhere this week is not just a friendly business gesture for the
Goyim to put in their stores. It is more than that.
Our job in the world is to pick
up the low level of impurity that the negative Spiritual forces cause people to
generate. We are here to provide Or (light) to the Goyim!
What does this mean? All the
Halachot we have by the Shulchan Aruch, based from Har Sinai and taught to us
over 3,300 years ago by Moshe Rabbeinu is to make us the ‘perfect’ human in all
regards. The Torah HaKdosha teaches us to purify everything we do. All our
physical actions should be turned spiritual.
If you are going to the
bathroom, you have Netilat Yadayim to do after using the restroom and then a
beautiful Beracha of thanks to Hashem. If you have wine, which is usually used
to drink up people for impure activities, we use it to do Kiddush and be like
Hashem to sanctify Shabbat! If we have oil, instead of using it to prepare unhealthy
foods, we use it to remember the Nes (miracle) of Chanukah. And on and on!
Rav Shlomo Pinto shlit’a
explains (paraphrased of course) that you would think that the whole Oil
Miracles is one big ‘scam.’ Why did they need to find Holy Oil that was sealed
in a box and that wasn’t impurified by the Greeks and their idols?! What is so
special about the Miracle that we found a tiny amount of oil that should have
only lasted one day?! We know that if the entire Tzibbur (congregation) is impure (because they were at war they
were impure by touching dead bodies), then everything associated with the
Tzibbur can be impure as well (we don’t need pure oil), and the Halachot (laws)
of Purity do not apply. Therefore, we could have used any oil to light the
Menorah in the Beit HaMikdash after defeating the Greeks. So Rav Shlomo Pinto
shlit’a explains that this Limud (learning) is incorrect. We see in VaYikrah
that Aharon HaKohen (Moshe’s brother) asked his distant family to take out the
bodies of his sons on the opening day of the Mishkan when they died (Parashat
Whenever we begin something, we
need to do it with full Yirat Shamayim (Fear of Heaven), Simcha and Kedusha
(purity). Tonight is the first night of Chanukah. Tonight is the beginning of
Let’s start the Chag with a
smile, let’s start the Chag with Kedusha.
can I do to make this Chanukah more Kadosh than last year?
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