For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Inspiring piece of Torah from an Inspiring
Torah website: rabanim.net.
Everyday after Shacharit and Mincha we have a
personal man-to-Hashem Vidui
(confession) of all the sins possible (it consists of 28 general words/phrases
that represent confession), which is called Nefilat Apayim (or Tachanun).
After the confession we say the Tefillah of
the 13 Middot, which was said by Moshe Rabbenu on Har Sinai (Mount Sinai) to
reprsent the ultimate Rachamim
(mercy) of Hashem. Hashem told Moshe Rabbenu that whenever Am Yisrael really
needs Rachamim, to say these 13 Middot in front of Him!

The word in the pasuk that we learn this from
is the word Esah, (I will) give. This word is made up of three letters:
Aleph, Shin, and Aleph.
A Drasha from Rabanim.net goes like this: The three
letters stand for three different things. Aleph for Achila (eating), Shin for Shtiya
(drinking) and the final Aleph for Eesha
(woman). What does this mean? When we take these three sources of living that
man relies on for continued life (literally) and use them in the way of Hashem
(the concept of Mesiroot Nefesh applies here), then we will see the light of Emunah
How? By saying Berachot (blessings) on the
food and drink to make me physically strong and alert (and not only for the
satisfaction of having food in my stomach or how it tastes) and by marrying the
right woman who will bring me closer to Hashem through her Kedusha (purity) and
Tzniyut (modesty).
But how do we know we will receive the “light
of Emunah” by doing these things? The word Esah again, which in Hebrew in the
abbreviation for Or Shel Emunah (Light
of Emunah, Aleph Shin Aleph).
Where is there anything in society that takes everything
materialistic/physical and turns it into a spiritual matter?!
We all think the religious people are brainwashed into believing
in the Torah, but what we don’t know (or even take ONE minute to think about) is
how badly we are brainwashed by society to distance from the holy Torah.
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